Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Poem 6: Love's Acceptance

Trust in God.
Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you.
All things pass.
God never changes.
Patience achieves all it strives for.
Those who have God find they lack nothing.
God alone suffices

St Teresa of Ávila

Worry and anxiety can affect our lives and knock us 'off our centre'. Here I am referring to the everyday concerns and issues that creep up on us and suddenly create an emotional rain-cloud on a sunny day. When this happens, we don't want to be told, 'Don't worry about it!' We want to be understood.

I also find time is usually a good healer. By the next day, I may look back at the cause of my worry with new insight and less angst.

Other ways that help to recentre me is to distract my mind with some activity. Going for a walk, for example, becoming absorbed in a creative hobby, or talking to a wise and trusted friend. Mindfulness and Meditation practices are also helpful. They encourage us to breathe out, to let go, relax, and be present, as St Teresa of Avila and Jesus of Nazareth suggest in today's reflection.

Poem 6

Love's Acceptance 

If your child was hungry
and asked you for something to eat,
would you ever consider giving them a stone?
If you then, as contrary as you are,
naturally give your children good gifts,
will not Love, who created you,
give you good things when you ask? (1)  

Do not worry about your life,
what you are going to eat
or drink or wear.
There is more to life than food and clothing. 

Look at the birds in the sky.
They never sow nor harvest
or store their food in barns.
Yet Love feeds them.
Are you not as valuable as they?
Can any of you add a single hour to your life
by worrying? 

Do why worry about your clothing?
Notice how the wild flowers grow;
they neither work nor weave;
yet I tell you,
even the richest King, in all his glory
was not clothed like one of these. 

If Love clothes the flowers of the field,
which are alive today and tomorrow
have withered and gone,
won't Love then care for you? (2) 

 Five sparrows are sold in the market
for two coins.
Yet not one of them is forgotten
in Love's sight.
In fact, even the hairs of your head
are all numbered!
Love values you more
than you will ever comprehend. (3) 

 Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga
May you find peace and good will on your journey.



1. Matthew 7:9-11

2. Matthew 6:25-30

3. Luke 12:6,7

The Poem is taken from my book, Awakening the Spirit: Poems of Divine Love, Tawera Press,2011

Sunday, September 6, 2020

39. Poem 5: Love's Communion


If the soul is vigilant
and withdraws from all distraction
and abandons its own will
then the spirit of God invades it
and it can be reborn
because it is free to do so.
Abba Cronius

I don't know about you, but even as a retired person, I find life still is very full and busy. And while I value the importance of maintaining an intentional time for reflection and meditation each day, other things soon crowd in if I let them.  I need time for focused reflection if I want to grow my spiritual practice. This includes my awareness of the Divine Presence within me and in all creation, including the people I meet. 

It is also something which the 3rd century Desert monk was referring to in the quotation above. In his way, Abba Cronius was echoing the Gospel words of Jesus, that also inspired the following 'Love Song of a Jewish Carpenter':

Poem 5: Love's Communion

When you desire to speak with Love,
simply withdraw into the stillness of your heart and say:
'O Love,
you created me, and sustain me
and hold my life in your hands:
make yourself known!' (1)

However, you can never own Love.
Nor can you ever possess her.
It is so difficult
for those who have a lot of possessions
to understand this.
In fact, it is easier for a camel
to squeeze through the eye of a needle
than for someone who is possessed by wealth
to find Love.
For where your treasure is,
there will your heart be also.(2)

There was once a person
who was very wealthy.
He was at a loss to know
what he should do with his riches.
'I know', he said,
'I shall invest my money
so that I will be even richer,
then I will have everything I need.'
He was thinking these thoughts in his heart,
but that very night he died.(3)

If you, then, try to make your life secure
you will end up losing everything.
But if you are prepared
to invest your life in Love,
you will preserve it
and even more, will be given to you!(4)

Love has no need to have somewhere
to lay her head.
For it rests already upon your heart.
So, when you pray,
you do not need to use many words.
Simply say:
' Love! Provide each day
whatever is needed
to sustain me'.(5)

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga
May you find peace and good will on your journey.



1. Matthew 6:6; Luke 11:2
2. Mark 10:23,25; Thomas 47; Matthew 6:21
3.Thomas 63
4.Luke 17:33; Luke 8:18
5.Matthew 8:20; Matthew 6:11

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

38.Poem 4: Finding Love

In the temple of the soul our God abides
Waiting for the soul to awaken to love's call.
Sr Roselle Schaefer. OFM.

We all have an intense desire to be loved and nurtured. It is one of our most basic and fundamental needs. We also have a similar desire to love and care for others. These are both programmed into our DNA. How we meet and fulfil these natural desires can be one of the most complicated and challenging experiences of our lives. Part of our struggle is caused by our need to be also independent. Yet we don't understand that the fabric of our life is already woven into the reality we call God. God is the ground of all being. To use contemporary language, God is the 'unifying field' in whom everything is 'entangled' or inseparable. No wonder the Hebrew poet asks: 'Where can I flee from your presence?'. This means 'finding' love is one of the most natural and most difficult challenges of our life. Even Jesus acknowledged this:

Finding Love

Ask, and don't stop asking,
and you will receive;
seek, and don't stop searching,
and you will find;
knock, and keep on knocking,
and Love will open her door to you.(1)

For Love is hidden like yeast,
taken by a woman and buried in flour.
In the secret depths of your heart,
Love does her work
and becomes food for the hungry.(2)

Or, Love is like a woman
who was carrying home a sack full of flour.
While she was walking the sack split
and the flour began to spill
along the road behind her.
When she got home
she discovered her sack was empty.(3)

Therefore, you cannot see Love.
You cannot say, 'Look, here is Love!'
or 'There it is!'
For, in fact,
Love is already spread out upon the earth
and people don't notice it.(4)

Wherever you are,
Love is there with you.
Whatever you do,
Love is there to assist you.
Wherever you go
Love is already there to welcome you.(5)
So if you want to find Love,
you need to have the
openness and curiosity of a little child,(6)
because Love already dwells within your heart
and is all around you! (7)

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga
May you find peace and goodwill on your journey.



1. Luke 11:9-10
2. Thomas 96
3 .Thomas 97
4. Luke 17:20; Thomas 113
5. Thomas 77
6. Mark 10:14,15
7. Luke 17:21

These poems are taken from Phil's book, Awakening the Spirit: Poems of Divine Love, Tawera Press, 2011

Monday, August 31, 2020

37. Poem 3: Love's Likeness

I believe nothing more important in life than love. It restores meaning and purpose, faith and hope, and opens new possibilities when we thought there were none. This is also true of God’s love for us. This is because in God's economy,
All beings are interconnected in the boundless love of the Divine,
and so we are both beholden to and responsible for one another. (1)

These sentiments are captured in the following Love Song I wrote to illustrate 'Love's Likeness'. It recalls the story Jesus told of the Prodigal Son.

Poem 3: Love's Likeness

Love is like a loving parent
of whom you ask
for a share of your inheritance
so you can go off and enjoy yourself.
And Love agrees.

However, you soon squander
all your inheritance,
and you become destitute.
Eventually, you wake up
and come to your senses.
You decide to return home
and beg Love to take you back.

When you draw near,
you discover Love has been waiting
patiently for your return,
and runs to welcome you.
Within Love's warm embrace
you find your home once more,
and tell Love the words
that weigh heavily upon your heart:
'I have been so stupid;
I no longer deserve
to be called your child.'

But Love is overjoyed:
'I thought I had lost you, my child,
but you have returned!
I thought you were dead,
but, look, you are alive again!'
And that night you celebrate.2

Julian of Norwich once said that: 'God loved us before we were made, and this love has never diminished and never shall'.

Would this be true for you in your life experience?

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga
May you find peace and good will on your journey.



1. Mirabai Starr, The interfaith observer, 2013.

2. Luke 15:11-24

3. Chilson, Richard (2001). Yeshua of Nazareth: Spiritual Master. IN: Sorin Books

Thursday, August 27, 2020

36.Poem 2: Seeking Love

Jesus gave us a vision of how the world could be different. This meant he often clashed with the religious beliefs and teachings of his day. Instead of telling people what to believe, he encouraged them to use their common sense and think for themselves. 

So when he taught, he often began with a familiar description, such as a woman baking bread, or a shepherd with his sheep, or the miracle of growth hidden in a tiny seed:

Poem 3: Seeking Love

Love is like a mustard seed,
the smallest of all the seeds,
buried within the secret depths of your heart.
When warmed by your desire
and the passion of your seeking,
she stirs within your being
and soon grows,
producing a plant large enough
to provide shelter
for the birds of the sky. (1)

Or, Love is like a pearl merchant
searching for his heart's desire.
One day he finds you,
a single pearl of immense value.
It costs him everything he has;
but he has found the one thing he longed for. (2)

Then again,
Love is like a treasure
hidden in a field,
which one day you find by chance.
So what do you do?
you cover her up in a secret place
and sell all that you have
in exchange for your heart's longing. (3)

No wonder his listeners were amazed at the wisdom and insight of his teaching. They had never known God's presence was already hidden within them, like 'yeast in flour' or 'treasure in a field'(4), waiting for them to find for themselves. Such knowledge began to transform their lives and relationships and helped them discover the breakthrough I referred to at the end of my last blog.

Is this something you too have experienced?

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga

May you find peace and goodwill on your journey.



            1. Gospel of Thomas 20:2

    2. Gospel of Thomas 76

    3. Gospel of Matthew 13:44-45

    4. Gospel of Matthew 13:33; 13:44

Monday, August 24, 2020

35. Poem 1: Starting Out

There is a light that shines beyond all things on earth,
beyond us all, beyond the heavens,
beyond the highest, the very highest heavens...
This is the light that shines in our heart.(1)

This quotation comes from an Indian text and reflects a similar truth to that found in an ancient Hebrew poem of creation. In the beginning, when God created human life, God took a handful of earth and breathed Divine-life into it – and we became a living being (Genesis 2:7). Intrinsic to this story is the belief we carry within us God's life-force. Another Hebrew poet expressed the intimacy and wonder of this miracle of life, with these words:

Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.(2)

The same thought occurs in many Christian writings. For example, the Franciscan scholar, St Bonaventure offered this insight, 

The soul itself is an image of God...
and has the capacity for God
and the ability to participate in God...

Such is the power of your love, O soul,
you live more truly when you love...
this is the kingdom of God within us.

Our search for God may at times feel tantalizingly elusive. Yet the journey begins by learning to love who we are and who we can become.

Poem 1 Starting out

If you would seek Love,
begin first to love yourself
with the same love
that Love embraces you;
then with that love,
love others;
and in that loving
you will find your heart's desire.(5)

If you should desire to
journey into Love's domain,
it is no easy path:
Her door is narrow;
her way is rough.
Many will desire to find it
and will not be able.

Strive, then,
if you must desire,
to enter through
Love's narrow door.(6)

St Bonaventure suggested we do not see this light of heaven because we have become 'blind and bent over'. We have become separated from each other, from our environment and from our Divine source.

How true is this for you? Would you agree with Bonaventure?

A Buddhist teacher once said to me: 

        'A great breakthrough occurs in your spiritual practice
        when you know there is nothing else to do
        – except let go and be present to what the universe has in store for you'.

That sounds deliciously simple and exciting! I will write more about this in my next blog.

Until then...

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga

May you find peace and goodwill on your journey.



  1. Chandogya Upanishad,Chapter 8v7

  2. Psalm 139:7-10 NIV

  3. St Bonaventure (1217-1274) The Journey of the Soul into God Ch 3:2

  4. St Bonaventure (1217-1274) Soliloquy IV:

  5. Mark 12:30.31

  6. Luke 13:24

Saturday, August 22, 2020

34. Love Poems of a Jewish Carpenter - Introduction

 Ten years ago I wrote a short book on the sayings of Jesus called 'Love Songs of a Jewish Carpenter'.  The original version remained unpublished, so I thought I would share a revised version of those 'poems' with you over the next few weeks.


The peasant carpenter,
laid down his tools
and listened to the customer's
familiar complaints:

“What's the point of Religion?
I find it demands far more
than it ever gives! (1)
How can I find faith
that satisfies my
deepest longing?

In the Carpenter's heart Love cried:
Come to me,
all who struggle with life's load
and I shall refresh you.
Learn from me
and your spirit shall be renewed!'(2)

The Carpenter left his workbench
and began to speak of Love.

It is easy to think that we know someone. Then suddenly they do something that seems to us to be totally out of character. With a shock, we realise that actually, we didn't know them very well at all. All we knew was our perception of whom we thought they were.

As a teenager, I thought I knew who Jesus was. As a young university student, I thought I knew Jesus well enough to go door to door in his name to challenge others to believe in him. As a theological student, I began to discover a larger picture of who Jesus might have been.

Now, as I grow older, I have found life experience to be the most profound teacher. It has taught me a lot about myself, and about who God, and Jesus, may or may not be. Often the lessons were demanding and painful. I find I now believe less, and what I know is simpler.

How about you? Has your understanding of God and Jesus has changed over the years?​

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga 

May you find peace and goodwill on your journey.



  1. Luke 11:42-52

  2. Matthew 11:28-29