Thursday, August 27, 2020

36.Poem 2: Seeking Love

Jesus gave us a vision of how the world could be different. This meant he often clashed with the religious beliefs and teachings of his day. Instead of telling people what to believe, he encouraged them to use their common sense and think for themselves. 

So when he taught, he often began with a familiar description, such as a woman baking bread, or a shepherd with his sheep, or the miracle of growth hidden in a tiny seed:

Poem 3: Seeking Love

Love is like a mustard seed,
the smallest of all the seeds,
buried within the secret depths of your heart.
When warmed by your desire
and the passion of your seeking,
she stirs within your being
and soon grows,
producing a plant large enough
to provide shelter
for the birds of the sky. (1)

Or, Love is like a pearl merchant
searching for his heart's desire.
One day he finds you,
a single pearl of immense value.
It costs him everything he has;
but he has found the one thing he longed for. (2)

Then again,
Love is like a treasure
hidden in a field,
which one day you find by chance.
So what do you do?
you cover her up in a secret place
and sell all that you have
in exchange for your heart's longing. (3)

No wonder his listeners were amazed at the wisdom and insight of his teaching. They had never known God's presence was already hidden within them, like 'yeast in flour' or 'treasure in a field'(4), waiting for them to find for themselves. Such knowledge began to transform their lives and relationships and helped them discover the breakthrough I referred to at the end of my last blog.

Is this something you too have experienced?

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga

May you find peace and goodwill on your journey.



            1. Gospel of Thomas 20:2

    2. Gospel of Thomas 76

    3. Gospel of Matthew 13:44-45

    4. Gospel of Matthew 13:33; 13:44

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