Showing posts with label Social Conscience Compassion Gospel living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Conscience Compassion Gospel living. Show all posts

Monday, September 14, 2020

41. Poem 7: Love's Way


The day of my spiritual awakening
was the day I saw and knew I saw
all things in God and God
in all things.
Mechthild of Magdeburg

As part of my Franciscan discipline, I read each morning the appointed passage from Pat McCloskey's book Peace and Good: Through the Year with Francis of Assisi. Pat is a Franciscan priest belonging to the Order of Franciscan Minors that traces its history back to St Francis of Assisi. The theme for the reflections for September reminds us of St Francis' generosity to the needs of the poor and dispossessed. Regardless of his limited resources, he always treated those in need as people created and loved by God. His humble service on behalf of the poor influenced many rich and powerful people to reconsider the way they treated others. Any admiration he received, Francis always deferred to the inspiration Jesus of Nazareth.

The following poem is based on some stories Jesus told. Jesus often encouraged his listeners to travel light – both in their possessions and in their attitudes towards those they encountered. His sayings still challenge us on the way we view and treat the poor, and whether we need to change that perspective.

I find his sayings very challenging.  How about you?

Poem 7

Love's Way 
If you wish to be like Love:
then Love is like a traveller
who came across a wounded man
lying on the side of the road.
He had been attacked by robbers
who stripped him and beat him up,
and left him half dead.
When Love saw the wounded man,
she was moved with compassion.
Tenderly, she bandaged his wounds,
sat him on her own animal
and took him to an inn to look after him.
The next day she gave the innkeeper
two silver coins, saying:
'Take care of him; and when I come back,
I will repay you any extra expense'.(1)

So, when you give or do a good deed,
don't even let your left-hand know
what your right hand is doing,
so that your kindness may be a secret.
If you have money, don't lend it at interest.
Rather, give it to someone who can't pay you back.   
Give open-handedly,
and Love will pour back into your lap
a full measure of her delights,
pressed down, sifted and overflowing!(2)
Congratulations to those who go hungry,
so the stomach of one of Love's children
in want may be filled.(3)

If anyone should hit you on one cheek,
Love does not retaliate;
she offers them the other one to strike as well!
Or when someone is stealing your coat
Love would ask if they would like to take the shirt as well!
If anyone asks you to go one mile with them,
Love would do more and go a second mile.(4)

Make allowances for other people
and you will find
they will make allowances for you.
If you love only those who love you,
what credit is that?
Rather, forgive, and you will be forgiven.
It is so easy to see another person's faults
and not your own.
Before you criticise someone,
first, make sure you have no faults yourself!(5)

Be on your guard against
wanting to have the approval of others;
to walk around in fine clothes,
and be greeted correctly
and with respect in public;
to have the best seats when you go out,
and have people speak well of you!
The next thing you will be doing
everything for show.
Love is not like this.
Rather, congratulations
to those who are humble
for you have become Love's home.(6) 

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga

May you find peace and goodwill on your journey.



1.Luke 10:30-35

2. Matthew 6:3,4; Thomas 95; Luke 6:38

3. Thomas 69:2

4. Luke 6:29; Matthew 5:41

5. Luke 6:31,32,36; Thomas 26

6. Mark 12:38; Matthew 23:5; 5:3