Monday, August 31, 2020

37. Poem 3: Love's Likeness

I believe nothing more important in life than love. It restores meaning and purpose, faith and hope, and opens new possibilities when we thought there were none. This is also true of God’s love for us. This is because in God's economy,
All beings are interconnected in the boundless love of the Divine,
and so we are both beholden to and responsible for one another. (1)

These sentiments are captured in the following Love Song I wrote to illustrate 'Love's Likeness'. It recalls the story Jesus told of the Prodigal Son.

Poem 3: Love's Likeness

Love is like a loving parent
of whom you ask
for a share of your inheritance
so you can go off and enjoy yourself.
And Love agrees.

However, you soon squander
all your inheritance,
and you become destitute.
Eventually, you wake up
and come to your senses.
You decide to return home
and beg Love to take you back.

When you draw near,
you discover Love has been waiting
patiently for your return,
and runs to welcome you.
Within Love's warm embrace
you find your home once more,
and tell Love the words
that weigh heavily upon your heart:
'I have been so stupid;
I no longer deserve
to be called your child.'

But Love is overjoyed:
'I thought I had lost you, my child,
but you have returned!
I thought you were dead,
but, look, you are alive again!'
And that night you celebrate.2

Julian of Norwich once said that: 'God loved us before we were made, and this love has never diminished and never shall'.

Would this be true for you in your life experience?

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga
May you find peace and good will on your journey.



1. Mirabai Starr, The interfaith observer, 2013.

2. Luke 15:11-24

3. Chilson, Richard (2001). Yeshua of Nazareth: Spiritual Master. IN: Sorin Books

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