Saturday, August 22, 2020

34. Love Poems of a Jewish Carpenter - Introduction

 Ten years ago I wrote a short book on the sayings of Jesus called 'Love Songs of a Jewish Carpenter'.  The original version remained unpublished, so I thought I would share a revised version of those 'poems' with you over the next few weeks.


The peasant carpenter,
laid down his tools
and listened to the customer's
familiar complaints:

“What's the point of Religion?
I find it demands far more
than it ever gives! (1)
How can I find faith
that satisfies my
deepest longing?

In the Carpenter's heart Love cried:
Come to me,
all who struggle with life's load
and I shall refresh you.
Learn from me
and your spirit shall be renewed!'(2)

The Carpenter left his workbench
and began to speak of Love.

It is easy to think that we know someone. Then suddenly they do something that seems to us to be totally out of character. With a shock, we realise that actually, we didn't know them very well at all. All we knew was our perception of whom we thought they were.

As a teenager, I thought I knew who Jesus was. As a young university student, I thought I knew Jesus well enough to go door to door in his name to challenge others to believe in him. As a theological student, I began to discover a larger picture of who Jesus might have been.

Now, as I grow older, I have found life experience to be the most profound teacher. It has taught me a lot about myself, and about who God, and Jesus, may or may not be. Often the lessons were demanding and painful. I find I now believe less, and what I know is simpler.

How about you? Has your understanding of God and Jesus has changed over the years?​

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga 

May you find peace and goodwill on your journey.



  1. Luke 11:42-52

  2. Matthew 11:28-29

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Living the Faith we Know