Monday, September 30, 2024

 When Relationships Go Wrong         

As I reflected on this week's Gospel reading from Mark 10:2-16, I was reminded how 'life' confronts us with a variety of human social issues. Some of these arise out of our relationships with other human beings. These may include the people we live with, or work with, or those who have been part of our past. Mark introduces this topic in his Gospel by having Jesus leaving the familiarity of his home town in Galilee to 'walk on new ground' in the the region of Judea beyond the Jordan. And it is there amongst a different group of people compared to the critical religious leaders of Jerusalem that he begins to broach the very personal topic of how we develop and use the gift of human relationships, and what do we do when relationships begin to fail? Mark includes Jesus teaching on topics such as human lust, inappropriate touching and divorce – all seemingly perennial human problems – which reminded me of a story I came across by Dr Kenneth Boa who is a writer, teacher, speaker, and a mentor.

It is a story about two identical twin sisters who married two identical twin brothers. Not long after their joint weddings, the brothers went off to war, and both fought together, and both suffered gross facial disfigurement from a fuel dump explosion. After their initial hospitalisation and cosmetic surgery, they were sent home to be nursed by their respective wives. Their burns had caused both brothers to lose their original facial features.

The reaction of their wives was quite different. One could not bear to look at her disfigured husband and busied herself around the home, avoiding her husband as much as possible. Eventually, as the relationship broke down, she left and divorced him due to 'irreconcilable differences'.

The other wife made a different choice. She spent most of her husband's waking time beside his bed, holding his hand, and learning to look beyond the scarred face to the man she had fallen in love with and married. Then one morning, she knelt beside his bedside and asked him if he would like to renew their wedding vows. She now knew that while the outer man was different, he was still the same person inside, seen with the eyes of her soul.

Boa suggests, that we all have an innate ability to 'see' beyond the visible externals and to gaze upon what is unseen within another person when we learn to look with the eyes of our soul. We also have the same potential to 'see' beyond the physical world to the hidden spiritual presence within all things. And as we learn to see creation, including human life, in this way:

God becomes very real to us in our inmost centre because we are engaged in an intuitive personal relationship with an infinite, personal God.

 As I reflected on this Gospel reading, I thought of Boa's quote above, because it seemed to me that discerning God's call is not always straight forward – nor easy for us to understand or experience1. The Benedictine Sister, Anita Louise Lowe offers us some help here when she suggested there are Four basic steps that may help us with our discernment:

 First we need to become aware of what is actually happening in our human, day to day life and also in our spiritual/devotional life. This may not be as easy nor automatic as we may think, because we need to also include the events we are struggling with or may have contributed to where we are now in our spiritual/devotional life. If so, you may also find the following exercise will help you to clarify what is actually unfolding for you.

Reflect on any feelings that arises from this situation. How has this event affected you? How does it affect other people in your family, social, or workplace group? It may be helpful (and sometimes essential) that you talk the situation with someone you trust and whose wisdom your respect – it may be an experienced Spiritual Director or Counsellor for example.

 Make a decision, then look for confirmation – we need to be adaptable – and sometimes creative in doing this – because we do not always see nor understand everything that has been involved in the situation you are facing.

 And remember that for us to hear, or even to become aware of God's call, involves an openness of of heart and mind. I remember my father often quoting the proverb – “There are 'none so deaf as those who wont hear” when he asked me to do something (which I had forgotten to do) and especially when I offered the excuse “I didn't hear you, Dad!” .

Learning to listen, and to hear what is being said, whether by a person or by God – (or even to ourselves) – is a skill that begins with a willingness of heart and often includes:

1. taking the time to be still,

2. a willingness to be open and receptive

 3. and the willingness to learn to respond to the whispers and the nudges of your heart.

When we look at the life of Jesus in the gospels, we find before every major decision Jesus would go off alone to pray. He did this prior to choosing the 12 apostles, or in preparation for his Passion and death. It's similar for us – we also need time to be alone, so that we may learn to sense and recognise God’s voice in the whispers of our heart and mind, and in the wisdom and experience we have accumulated over the years – but also in the opinion of those who know us well and whose wisdom we trust.

The Jesuit, Paul Campbell once observed, “the risk of 'mere busyness, will often divorced us from the realities of God's creation” but he also went on to say”

When I sense my life is held in God's hands,

and I am in an intimate relationship with Christ,

I am capable of approaching all of reality

from a contemplatives perspective,

no matter how many things I have to work on during the day.2

The art is learning to hear God's voice echoing in mine

that brings light and peace into my life.” 


 Learning to listen is the first step. The second is to discern 

what we have sensed – which is often a two-way street. That

 is why people who know us well can often help us to sort, sift 

and reflect on our options and choices, and on our strengths 

and hazards. They can also encouraged and support us to be 

open to the God who created us and who continuously asks 

each of us individually, as Jesus asked of Andrew and the 

other disciple in John's Gospel, “What are you seeking?”

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga

May you find peace and goodwill on your journey.



1. See Luke 4:28-29

2. Retrieved from

Friday, September 20, 2024


St Michael and All Angels

This coming Sunday, September 29th, is the Feast of St Michael and All Angels. The origin of this celebration dates back to 5th century, although the earliest surviving mention of St Michael was in Jewish writings of the third and second-century-BC.

St Michael is one of only three angels mentioned by name in the Bible –and the name 'Michael' means “the one who is like God. His name also occurs only three times in the Old Testament book of Daniel(1) and twice in the New Testament: once in the letter of Jude (v 9), and once in the book of Revelation(2). The other two named angels mentioned in the Bible are Gabriel and Raphael. This meant it was only until popular, late Jewish and early Christian devotion that a growing appreciation of Michael's role and place within Christian devotion flourished and considered him to be the greatest of all the angels.(3)

Such popularity soon led to a variety of customs and beliefs and these have continued to grow over the following centuries. It became common in the medieval period, for example, for people to dress up as knights and dragons and re-enact the battle of St Michael defeating the Dragon or to celebrate other local customs and traditions that became associated with St Michael.

Because of this growing popularity of St Michael it wasn't long before numerous churches throughout the world chose to name and place their church under the patronage and prayers of St Michael and All Angels.(2) This growing popularity resulted in:

  • The formal naming of September 29th as St Michael and All Angels' Day and setting it aside as a special day of rest and it also carried the expectation that the faithful to attend Church and abstain from work and recreation.

  • Other more domestic and local customs also started to occur. For example, roast goose (which was a luxury food in medieval times) became the standard food for St Michael's day .

  • Because St Michael's day fell at the beginning of the Northern Autumn, and the start of the academic year, increasing number of English Universities and schools began to refer to the new term of study as the Michaelmas term.

  • And because 'St Michael's day also coincided with the northern harvest season, it soon became customary for people to offer special acts of charity and goodwill to the poor in their community.

  • For those living in the Southern hemisphere other themes and customs began to appear, such as the importance for developing one's personal spiritual wisdom, or the emphasis on personal and environmental gratitude and protection.

But for us now, how does this mediaeval festival resonate with us? I live in New Zealand, in a time when attending Sunday Services is on the decline. However, scattered across our country we still have a number of Churches dedicated to St Michael. While attendance may not be what they were in the past, they still stand as silent reminders of this festival day, and perhaps they also give us pause to reflect on the ways that we have been protect, guarded and blessed by God grace – not just for our own sake, but that we might become channels of God's love and grace to others as this day has been for many people of the past. For example:

Angels are messengers – and in scripture they announced to Elizabeth that she would give birth to John the Baptist; and the Archangel Gabriel visited also to Mary tell her that she will give birth to Jesus. I wonder what God is wanting to say to us? What is God seeking to birth within us?

Angels are worshippers – what do you value most in your life? How do you express your feelings of reverence and adoration?

Angels are defenders – Traditionally, they guard us against harm, both physical and spiritual. Whom do we need to protect, or to support, or love and care for?

Perhaps we might also remember the encouragement people have found in Michael the Archangel – and perhaps we too might also recognise the importance in today's changing world a willingness to offer support and protection to those who are most vulnerable, and to those who are struggling in our local community.

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga

May you find peace and goodwill on your journey.



(1) Daniel 10:21 & 12:1

(2) Revelation Chapter 12: 7-

(3) Richard Freeman Johnson (2005), Saint Michael the Archangel in medieval English legend, Boydell

Press, p. 105, ISBN 1-84383-128-7, retrieved 11 July 2010

Monday, September 16, 2024

Who Is The Greatest?

This week's Gospel reading comes from Mark 9:30-37 where Jesus foretells his death and resurrection. However the disciples fail to appreciate what he is saying and begin to argue over which one of them is the greatest. Jesus responds with great sensitivity as he takes a little child and says that whoever welcomes one such child (in his name) welcomes both Christ and also the God of creation. It is not so much about who we are – rather it is about our values and the way we live these out in our day to day life.

In his book 'Practicing Compassion in a Violent World' Frank Rogers (1) illustrates this principle by relating the story of a man named Raul Torres who lived in a small town in USA. One night his wife tragically died in her sleep from a stroke. Understandably, life came to an abrupt stop for Raul. He was naturally filled with grief and decided to would retire from the world and filled his days instead sitting for hours on his porch in the seat his wife had used. Then one day he decided rather than simply sitting, remembering and grieving for his wife, he would do something creative and turn his garden into a memorial garden in memory of her.

It was a slow task but he finally transformed his section into a fabulous display of flowers, herbs and vegetables. He saved the best for the front garden which he filled with beautiful roses – his wife's favourite flower. He also discovered, through the transformation of his garden, a whole new focus for his life.

Then one morning he was horrified to discover that someone had destroyed several of his rose bushes. Then two days later it happened again. He was naturally distraught and began to keep watch from his front window. It wasn't long before he saw a local lad, from a family with many social and gang related issues, slowly limp along the footpath towards his house. When he reached Roul's garden he used his walking stick to attack another of the rose bushes. When the boy looked up and saw Roul watching him from his window, he simply stared back before quickly limping away.

Roul's instinct was to chase him, or to call the police. However, Roul also noticed the haunted look in the boy's eyes. It gave Roul pause to stop and think on whether there was a better and more creative way to handle the situation.

Later that afternoon, Roul saw the boy limping back up the street and went out to meet him. The boy glared at Roul, and when Roul said someone was destroying his rose bushes, the boy insisted it wasn't him. Roul said to the boy that he wasn't blaming him – rather that he needed someone to help him to protect the roses. He also needed someone to help him with his garden. He was willing to pay the boy and let him have an area of his garden that he could use for himself, and would show him how to grow plants and vegetables, if he was interested.

The boy didn't commit himself but the next Saturday he arrived, and in the end, stayed for most of the day when Roul paid and thanked him for his time. The next Saturday the boy was back, and he kept coming every Saturday – and the roses were never vandalized again. The boy is now an adult and runs an inner city youth programme that offers kids an alternative to gang life.

Compassion, says Rogers, is a spiritual path that flows from the knowledge that:

1) we are all held in the sacred presence of God's Compassion

2) with all our failures and imperfections, God loves us totally and unconditionally

    3) God invites us to be part of that compassionate healing force that can renew the life of our world.

Rogers suggests that compassion has a 2 stage process that begins first with us as we allow ourselves to become grounded when faced with a challenging situation by;

  1. Stopping – pausing - catching our breath – and not reacting

  2. Becoming aware of our own reaction

  3. Seeking to understand what is happening, and extending a loving attention to the situation

  4. Then widening our attention to God's healing, helping, presence that surrounds you as you seek to embody that presence

Only then are we able to meaningfully ask:

What is going on for that other person – as we learn to see their reaction as their cry of pain. For when we have reconnected with God's love in us are we enabled to become a channel of understanding, and loving regard towards them as God's presence is enabled to flow through us to the person in some practical way. More importantly, we need to remember that this is a way of small steps.

In today's Gospel reading we hear how the disciples learn from Jesus that he will be betrayed, arrested, and die. They naturally reacted with fear. What would the future hold in store for them – what happen to them when Jesus was no longer with them? They had left everything to follow him. Should they run and hide now, or wait to be killed​? In their confusion and fear they were afraid to ask Jesus and so they turned inward and argued with one another about who was the greatest?

But what did Jesus do? He didn't criticise them for their fear, their uncertainty or lack of commitment. He sat down and talked to them, and he took a child that was playing near them and used the child as a focus. Whatever will happen – Jesus promises them – I will never leave you – I will always be with you, because “I am” is already within you! And I will always come to you – perhaps under guise of another person, yet all you need to do is to be aware and open your eyes, and your mind, for I am with you always (Matthew 28:20) – or to quote a Sufi saying:

When the mystery of God is revealed to you,

you will understand that God has always been in you....

Then you will see all your actions to be His actions

and your essence to be His essence....

There is nothing except His Face, for

"whithersoever you turn, there you will see the Face of God."

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga May you find peace and goodwill on your journey.


(1) Frank Rogers was the Professor of Spiritual Formation at Claremont School of Theology

Sunday, September 8, 2024


The Things That Limit Us

No doubt all of us have at some point in our life have felt like an outsider. We may have decided to go to a public meeting because the topic caught your interest, only to discover no one welcomed you – or even stopped to talk to you! You most probably left feeling “That was a waste of time!”

If you have ever had that kind of experience, it may be of some comfort to know that research has discovered about a third of the population have also experienced a similar situation.

Professor Naomi Eisenberger (University of California, L.A.) has discovered from her research that the experience of social rejection, exclusion (or loss) are generally considered to be some of the most painful experiences that we may endure”

I mention this by way of introduction to this reflection on the Gospel reading for the 8th of September, 2024, where Mark records the story of Jesus interaction with the Syrophoenician Woman. The unnamed woman had approached Jesus seeking healing for her daughter (Mark 7:24-37). Initially Jesus rejects her but because of her persistence, Jesus finally heals her daughter.

There are alternative versions of this story in Matthew's Gospel and Elaine Wainwright, the former Richard Maclaurin Goodfellow Professor in Theology at the University of Auckland, has suggested that it wasn't the woman who took the initiative to seek out Jesus – it was Jesus who sought her and this twist in interpretation opens a whole different way to understand this story. Suddenly the space in which Jesus and the woman met became a sacred space where time stood still as the holy and the human met face to face. And while the woman's daughter was healed by Jesus, God's inclusive grace suddenly is affirmed as having no limits as both the woman and her daughter both find healing and new freedom from the restrictions and limitations that society and formalized religion had so easily inflict upon the wounded and outcast.

In many ways this story is also a story about the limitations our society, or our religion, or our culture quietly place upon us. Yet these limitations are only perceived limitations which we inflict upon ourselves. We do this by the way we live, or by the company we choose, or by our attitudes towards others, for example. Such attitudes and silent thoughts will inevitably end up affecting our life and the way we live.

However, the Good News of this story is that the Syrophenician woman refused to be limited by her ethnicity, or by her widowed status, or by the attitudes of others towards her. Her courage to seek out Jesus and her determination to challenge Jesus initial reticence to heal her daughter, reminds us also that whatever thoughts, beliefs or excuses we may make, these will inevitably carry their own history and may well go on to shape our future!

However, this story carries it own footnote.

While Mark did not give us the woman's name – perhaps he did this deliberately. Because, deep inside our human psyche we also are born with a indwelling longing to encounter that sacred space where time will stand still for us. However, it takes courage to allow the holy and the human to meet within us, face to face. We see this illustrated in the unnamed woman as she met with Jesus. In the encounter she received fresh insight of the world in which she and her daughter lived. This fresh insight enabled her to discover a fresh vision of her future as the holy and the human met face to face. It took courage and the woman had courage. May we also have the courage to respond to the ways Jesus seeks to enter our personal world as we allow the holy and the human to meet within us, face to face.

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga

May you find peace and goodwill on your journey.


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Finding Peace Within

I wonder if you have ever experienced a time when you needed, or were strengthened or nourished, by another person? Alternatively, it might have been you who were there for a person who needed your help or strength or wisdom? Perhaps all they needed was your presence to support them – or to be someone who would listen to them as they worked through what they needed to do? Or they may have turned to you for some practical help, and your offering made all the difference in whatever crisis they were facing? You may not have thought or seen your contribution as life-giving, but as Mahatma Gandhi once said:

The Gospel will be more powerful when practised.... A rose does not need to preach. It simply spreads its fragrance. The fragrance is its own sermon…the fragrance of religious and spiritual life is much finer and subtler than that of the rose.” 1.

Over the last few Blogs we have been exploring this topic in many different ways as we have reflected on the Disciple John's attempt to convey his experience and understanding of some of the significant moments he had experienced with Jesus. In the process we have seen how Jesus willingly shared his wisdom with a wide variety of people – from those who held the highest local authority in their community and who, by and large, were forever challenging his words and actions – to the poorest people within their community and who hung on every word Jesus spoke.

Not an easy task for Jesus nor for John, nor for us because often, the only way for us to enter into the realm of spiritual language, and share and understand what we have  experienced is through the gateway of metaphors, and images.2.

John was not alone in trying to faithfully record the things Jesus said and did so that we, centuries later, using quite a different language and speech pattern, can still engage with the wisdom Jesus shared both then and now, as we, in our turn, ponder over what he is saying to us today, in our time and culture. And the authors of our Gospels were not alone in dealing with that challenge. Take, for example, the metaphors for faith – a concept that lies at the heart of Jesus Teaching – offered by the following authors:

  • Khalil Gibran“Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking”.

  • Helen Keeler “Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light”.

  • Martin Luther King – “Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase”.

We see a similar challenge happening over and over again with the fishermen-disciples Jesus chose to train and whose responsibility it was to share his teachings after his death. Perhaps that is why we have at least four differing records (or Gospels) of Jesus' life, ministry and teachings.However, at it's heart, faith is always a challenge, because it's about building relationships. It includes sharing one's self with those in need. It includes being open with those who might challenge us or with those we may not instinctively like! But most importantly, it is also about building a living and ongoing relationship with our Spiritual Source...and this is essential, because our divine source has the power to transform our life, and that is why it is so important... and because we can only share what we have received and internalized for ourselves.

Spirituality is not about how much time we may spend in prayer or in meditation, nor how often we might go to church. Spirituality is about our willingness and capacity to be guided, and our willingness to be actively engaged with our spiritual source. This is the main reason why Jesus called us into relationship with himself. In him we find and are fed with the food our souls long for – and which is given to us to share – like the fragrance of fresh bread.

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga

May you find peace and goodwill on your journey.


1. Dkhar,  Damankhraw. R.:Mahatma Gandhi and Christianity                                      

2. Elliot,M: Universalistic Style of the Gospel of John                                                         

Thursday, August 8, 2024

                                                     Food for Thought

Hélène Schumacher once wrote an article for BBC where she suggested that the vocabulary we have acquired over the years actually helps us understand the world around us. However, we have become so familiar with the metaphors that are woven intricately into the tapestry of our language we often don’t even notice them, but metaphors and similes help us think more deeply – and make sense of the world around us” 1

We all have built up our own unique vocabulary and collection of favourite words and phrases. However, in using metaphorical language to enrich our conversations can raise it's own issues; if, for example, the listener doesn't understand the metaphor or simile, or if they take it literally – they run the risk of missing the point we were making.

My recent Blogs have been exploring the metaphor of 'Bread', for example. During my research for this particular Blog, I came across an article written by Peter Reinhart. Reinheart is both a baker of bread and also a master of metaphor. For him, bread is at the same time the “staff of life for our bodies” but also the “staff of life for our souls”.2

You will be aware that bread has been a staple food for centuries and has come to represent sustenance, nourishment, and survival. It has also accumulated many other associations. For example, it has been a symbol of comfort, community and sacrifice and has also been associated with plenty, poverty, redemption, temptation and transformation.3

Bread has also been a common symbol of comfort, and a symbol of communion – as found and used in the Christian Eucharist or Mass.

The “Sharing bread” or “Breaking of Bread” with family, friends or strangers has also been considered as an act of generosity and hospitality. When Jesus fed 5000 people with a boy's lunch is one example, and whether we take this Bible story literally, or prefer to see the boy's simple generosity of offering to Jesus his packed lunch, stimulated a similar wave of generosity amongst the crowd as they all began to share the food they had brought with those around them so everyone was fed4.

In many cultures Bread has become a symbol of life, growth, renewal and plenty–however it also has its dark-side when bread has been associated with hardship and oppression, as well as gluttony, greed, and excess. I wonder what association bread holds for you? And this is not a random question, because the word 'Bread' has been used as a metaphor throughout the history of humankind.

For example, it is a reoccurring theme in the early Hebrew writings where it occurs over 492 times and carries a deep spiritual significance and holding a wealth of symbolism. It particularly represents God’s provision, spiritual nourishment, salvation and forgiveness. We find it's importance woven into both the Jewish and Christian faiths, and is recorded within their respective sacred writings where bread served as a reminder of God’s faithfulness, grace, and provision; and we have been reflecting on this understanding, as presented to us by the author of John's Gospel, during the last few Blogs where we have been reflecting on the question: “What nourishes our life, what inspires my hearts' delight? What speaks to our soul? What inspires me, and enables me to experience the abundant life of which Jesus spoke?

Whether we choose to understand that promise physically or symbolically– in the end this week's reading from John 's Gospel (Ch 6:35, 41-51) reminds us of our dependence on God and God's continuous care for us.

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga

May you find peace and goodwill on your journey.





4Matthew 14:13-21

Sunday, August 4, 2024

                    For What Do We Hunger?

In his week's Gospel we are given another slice, if you like, of the bread of life.

In fact for 5 weeks in a row we have slowly sliced our way through John 6. It began with the feeding of the 5000 followed by John's meditation on the life and mission of Jesus. In the process John used the metaphor of 'Bread', and in my recent Blogs we have been exploring the implications of Jesus being the 'Bread of Life'.

However – there is yet more! There are three more slices from the same loaf1 waiting for us to sample as we continue our way through the readings set for August!

The repetition of bread as a metaphor of Jesus' life and ministry certainly raises interesting and contemporary questions – For example: 'What personal metaphor would we choose to describe our life's purpose?– What difference do our gifts and the vision for our life make in our life and the life of the wider community in which we live?

While you may spend time pondering those questions – I also came across a number of metaphors for Bread

  • Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.”

  • Louis Bromfield, American novelist (1896-1956) “Bread is the king of the table and all else is merely the court that surrounds the king. The countries are the soup, the meat, the vegetables, the salad but bread is king.” 

  • Sarah Josepha Hale, 'The Good Housekeeper' (1839): “Among those kinds of food which the good housekeeper should scrupulously banish from her table, is that of hot leavened bread....I believe it more often lays the foundation of diseases of the stomach, than any other kind of nourishment, used among us.” ( Maybe Bread has it's dark side as well!)

  • And finally, The New World campaign featured a real estate agent who uses smell of fresh bread to sell a house

These brief comments remind us of the power and significance bread has even when used as a metaphor. Perhaps one reason for this is because people have used and relied on bread for more than fifty centuries and 'Every morning the world wakes up hungry' 2 which is a reminder that to know the story of Bread also means to know also something of our world and its history and its ongoing progress. We find a very similar thing happening when we widen our focus and include the significance the bread when it is used as a metaphor as Jesus did:

I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, 

and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.

When Jesus used bread as a metaphor, he was quoting an ancient reference that has it roots in the early Jewish writings (or Midrash). For example:

  • In the Jewish story of Moses, he is recorded as being given Manna (a miraculous edible substance that fell from heaven each day and sustained the Hebrew ancestors physically and also renewed their faith in God's presence and guidance during their slow 40 year journey through the wilderness.

  • In the Jewish story of Elijah, when he needed renew hope and vision to continue his life of faith, he also received food (or Manna) from heaven to sustain him on his journey to meet with God.

  • In a similar way, when composing his Gospel, John poetically used the historic Hebrew concept of Manna – which would be freely understood by his contemporary Jewish readers – to symbolized Jesus, as being “the living bread”– or “the bread of life” – sent by God from heaven – which we also need to receive so that our hope might be renewed and our faith be sustained through the struggles and disappointments we face in our life.

In his book 'How to Believe Again' , Helmut Thielicke (the Professor of Theology at Hamberg University), gave these answers when questioned on “What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus?”

  • When Jesus first called his disciples – there were no 4 Spiritual Laws the Disciples had to first memorize – Jesus simply invited them to “Come and learn from me” and in that way they began a shared life together.

  • Or when a person came to Jesus with a genuine need, Jesus had no catechism of right answers they had to learn before he would listen to them or speak to them– because while their need may have helped them to start their journey of faith, in the end it was the person of Jesus that fulfilled their hunger – or as St Augustine of Hipo said many centuries later :

We would not be able to seek God if God had not already found us”.

Surely that simple statement summarizes the whole message of the Jewish-Christian Faith!

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga

May you find peace and goodwill on your journey.


1John Chapter 4

2Barker, E.L., 1911, The story of bread, International Harvester Company, Chicago.