Saturday, July 4, 2020

18. Just Breathe

'Everyone, by the very fact they exist, is already in the presence of God.
So to live in the presence of God should be as natural as breathing
the air which surrounds us'.
Fr Henri Le Saux

Once upon a time, a master invited his student
to accompany him on a journey.
He didn't tell the student where they were going,
or how long the journey would take,
or what might happen on the way
or even the purpose of making the journey.
The student, of course, was naturally curious,
but his master said no more
so they set off together in silence.
After a while, the student couldn't contain his curiosity any longer.
'Where are we going?' he asked.
His master just smiled and said,
'If we are not there yet, you may never know.'
The answer made no sense to the student,
so he tried again. 'Are we there yet?'
The master replied, 'There is no there – only here.'
Puzzled, the student lapsed back into silence.
The day wore on, and his master showed no sign of stopping,
so the student finally asked, 'What time is it?'
The master answered, 'Now'.
The student was tired. His feet hurt; he was hungry and confused.
'Why do you give such cryptic answers?' he demanded.
The master simply answered, 'Why do you ask questions?
Just breathe in – breathe out.'

  1. Find a comfortable, relaxed position, either standing, sitting or lying down.
  2. Take a deep breath, and as you release the breath, begin to relax your body.
  3. Now be aware the air you are breathing is part of an immense ocean that surrounds you – an ocean full of the presence of God. Don’t try to imagine it; just know God is present in your breathing. So when you draw the air into your lungs, you are bringing God into your inner depths, and you are also receiving God’s power and presence with each breath. When you breathe out, you are letting go and relaxing into an awareness – or the arms – of the Divine presence.
  4. Stay with this awareness for as long as you wish.
Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga
May you find peace and goodwill on your journey.



Le Saux, Henri, OSB, Abhishiktananda, Prayer, Westminster Press, 1972
Dyer, Phil, Be Still & Know, Tawera Press,2020, p71

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the wisdom of Fr Henri le Saux and for reminding me to read his work!


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