Sunday, May 24, 2020

2. The Three Faces of God

The second book I have reading is Paul Smith's 'Integral Spirituality'.

I discovered this book after reading an article on the 'Three Faces of God' by Karen Kelly. Karen suggested the words we use about and for God will influence the way we experience God. For example,

1. God is the Ground of our Being – a universal experience of the Infinite God who is 'closer to us than hands and feet' – the language of belief and experience.

2. God is the traditional institutional figure we read about in our Church Creeds – a legal socio-political figure for whom Churches have been founded and wars fought.

3. God is the One in whom we live and have our Being – the ever-present Intimate God whom we encounter through our senses, of whom Chinmoy refers to in my first blog. A God who evokes feelings of awe, wonder and energy – who motivates us to respond and care for people and our planet.

Paul Smith extends Kelly's approach. He suggests: that while all creation declares the glory of the Infinite God - in whom we live and have our being;  we are continually being invited to respond to the ever-present all-compassionate love of the Intimate God - who is always with us.

However,  the Divine invitation to each one of us, is to learn to rest into the image of the Inner God - dwelling within each one of us as 'our' True Self,  and who invites us to be the hands, feet, heart, and voice of God in the world today.

He suggests a prayer meditation practice that can be used at the beginning or end of our daily spiritual practice. It has three short parts:

First, as we look upward while holding our arms outstretched at our sides symbolizing the all-encompassing Infinite Face of God. As we do this we echo Paul’s words in Acts by saying: Infinite God in whom I live, and move, and have my being.”

Second,  we bring our hands forward and together in front of us in traditional prayer and repeat the words of Jesus’ promise Intimate God, you are always with me.

Finally, we place our open hands over our heart in recognition of the Inner Face of God  is already within us as we affirm,Inner God: I am the light of the world.”

Kia mau te rongo me te pai ki a koe i to haerenga

May you find peace and good will on your journey.


Smith, Paul R.. Integral Christianity: The Spirit's Call to Evolve . Paragon House.

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